Covent Garden is quite possibly my favourite place in London.
It might seem like a bit of an odd choice, given all the
palaces, & so many other amazing places that there are to see in London.
Covent Garden is basically a square with a market & lots of little shops & restaurants.
Oh, & it's also where Eliza Doolittle sold her flowers in My Fair Lady.
For me it's one of the quintessential London-y places I can't wait to visit when I'm there.
There's good British food to be had, including a Jamie Oliver restaurant that opened last year.
Or you can just bring your own sandwiches in ziplocs, like we did.
Jenny & I grew up traveling around Europe, so Covent Garden feels kind of like home.
There are few places we would rather be than sitting in a square in Europe.
We were pretty content hanging out there in the chilly London sunshine.
Covent Garden also has fun shopping. There's a Paperchase, little toy shops, good coffee & more.
Our favourite is the London Transport Museum Gift Shop.
They have tons of London books, postcards, magnets, & just general British awesomeness.
This guy is usually there too. Doesn't he kind of look like he belongs in Gringotts?
Covent Garden really is one of our favourite spots in London.
We were two happy girls that day.
I hope you get to visit Covent Garden sometime. xx